I have been told a story about Paul Taylor, Dave Gray & Chris Salter once doing a trip to the west country. At the end of the trip and time to think about returning home they realised that they were all skint, totally penniless. The boys soon came to the conclusion that the only way to get home would be to try and raise some money some how. To get enough money to get home they were would have to sell something. They decided to draw straws and unfortunately for Dave Gray, he lost. Dave had to sell his wetsuit as a means of raising cash so they could get home.
60's 70's 1960's 1970's alan reed Al Reed archive B&W beach blackley blog Chris Mannion compton Compton Bay Cornwall Freshwater freshwater bay history IOW IOW Surf Club Isle of Wight Isle of Wight Surf Club joe truman Johnny Fryer Keith Williams longboard Matt Harwood paul blackley people photo photographs portrait Roger Backhouse Sid Pitman stoked surf surfboard Surfer surfing Surf Trip swell The Noughties waves wetsuit wightsurfhistory