Porbeagle Tag found on SAS Beach Clean

Porbeagle Tag found on SAS Beach Clean

During a beach clean at Compton last year organised by Surfers Against Sewage local surfer Jamie Currie and his daughter olivia found this satellite tag. Jamie managed to contact the tagging company and received an email from a Gérard Biais from La Rochelle; The tag...
Through a Liquid Mirror – Wayne Levin

Through a Liquid Mirror – Wayne Levin

‘Through a Liquid Mirror’ an Exhibition by Wayne Levin Internationally acclaimed Photographer, Wayne Levin from Hawaii has brought his exhibition all the way to Dimbola Museum and Galleries on the Isle of Wight. Wayne started out with a Brownie Camera and...
Rob Ward

Rob Ward

I have recently been in contact with Rob Ward and this is what he had to say.   I am heading off into the South Australian desert in a week or so to Cactus. If you Google Ceduna South Australia and go west 60k to Penong, Cactus is on the coast 20k roughly south....