SAS demonstration march at Sandown

SAS demonstration march at Sandown

In 1996 Southern Water were proposing to build a massive network of pipes to pump all of the Island’s sewage to Yaverland and discharge it through a 3.25kn pipe into Sandown Bay after only giving the sewage Primary Treatment (this means they only actually filter...
Fantastic finish to the Frost Bite Series

Fantastic finish to the Frost Bite Series

Rapanui Frostbite Surf Series Event 5 May Bank Holiday Monday saw the fifth and final event of the 2010/11 series take place at Sandown. After a poor run of swell no contest took place in April but a fortuitous Easterly wind-swell arrive at the start of May. With...
Mart & Rob of Rapanui

Mart & Rob of Rapanui

I caught up with the Rapanui boys Martin and Rob Drake-Knight yesterday at their office in Bembridge. For anyone who doesn’t know them or Rapanui, the two brothers set up Rapanui in 2008. They make eco-fashionable clothing from natural organic fabrics in a Fair Wear...
A Great Day and Night

A Great Day and Night

What a day Saturday the 9th of October turned out to be. The swell started to grow from only a couple of foot first thing to an epic swell that saw Compton, Freshwater Bay and The Pearl all fireing. I checked Compton early and a few of you were either in or going in...
The Early Days – by Keith Williams

The Early Days – by Keith Williams

The following is part 1 of a collection of memories garnered from well over 50 years of enjoyment of the sea & surfing and the people connected with it. The exact sequence or timing of events may not be entirely accurate, but the events themselves are broadly as I...