by paul-wsh | May 12, 2011 | The Nineties
In 1996 Southern Water were proposing to build a massive network of pipes to pump all of the Island’s sewage to Yaverland and discharge it through a 3.25kn pipe into Sandown Bay after only giving the sewage Primary Treatment (this means they only actually filter...
by paul-wsh | May 11, 2011 | The Noughties
Rapanui Frostbite Surf Series Event 5 May Bank Holiday Monday saw the fifth and final event of the 2010/11 series take place at Sandown. After a poor run of swell no contest took place in April but a fortuitous Easterly wind-swell arrive at the start of May. With...
by paul-wsh | Feb 11, 2011 | The Noughties
I caught up with the Rapanui boys Martin and Rob Drake-Knight yesterday at their office in Bembridge. For anyone who doesn’t know them or Rapanui, the two brothers set up Rapanui in 2008. They make eco-fashionable clothing from natural organic fabrics in a Fair Wear...
by paul-wsh | Oct 12, 2010 | Surf Blogs, The Noughties
What a day Saturday the 9th of October turned out to be. The swell started to grow from only a couple of foot first thing to an epic swell that saw Compton, Freshwater Bay and The Pearl all fireing. I checked Compton early and a few of you were either in or going in...
by paul-wsh | Sep 27, 2010 | Surfer Profiles, The Sixties
The following is part 1 of a collection of memories garnered from well over 50 years of enjoyment of the sea & surfing and the people connected with it. The exact sequence or timing of events may not be entirely accurate, but the events themselves are broadly as I...