by paul-wsh | Feb 11, 2017 | The Noughties
More than 80 surfers paddled out at Compton today to say goodbye to Dave Gray with many others lining the cliff tops to give him a really great send...
by paul-wsh | Jan 23, 2017 | Surfer Profiles, The Noughties
I asked Dave Gray if he would let me interview him for Wight Surf History and eventually he sent me this. We actually planned to do a proper interview and he was going to dig out some old photos but sadly it never happened. A history of surfing on the I.O.W. by David...
by paul-wsh | Dec 18, 2013 | The Seventies
Wight Surf History have been given some great pics taken by Rog Powley of the 1978 South Coast Contest, including shots of Dave Gray, Keith Williams and Sid Pitman. The winner of the competition was Guy Penwarden from Wessex Surf Club. In 1976 surfing for Shore Surf...
by paul-wsh | Apr 8, 2012 | Surfer Profiles, The Seventies
I suppose I have always considered myself a surfer. I was brought up in Joberg, South Africa, but holidays on the coast at Morgans Bay and Port St Johns near Durban always involved belly boarding on the wooden boards. It was in Port St Johns in 1970 that I spotted...