2011 British Interclub Championships

2011 British Interclub Championships

The Isle of Wight Surf Club team headed down to Woolacombe last weekend for the 2011 British Interclub Championships. Matt Harwood had put together a strong team with Doug Richards, Josh Jupe, Chris Mannion, Mark New and Craig Sharp joining him. This years event was...
South Coast Surf Competition

South Coast Surf Competition

While at the South Coast Surfing Championships at the weekend this trophy reappeared having not been seen since the early 90’s. On the trophy there are little shields listing all the previous winners going back to 1973. We would love to find out who the winners of the...
Craig Sharp

Craig Sharp

During the early Nineties the surfer on the Island leading the way was Stuart Jones, but not far behind him was a young Craig Sharp who was starting to turn heads. Over the next few years the gap between them got smaller and smaller. By November 19-20th 1994 it was...
Johnny Fryer – Wavelength Cover

Johnny Fryer – Wavelength Cover

Johnny Fryer made cover for The British Surfing Magazine Wavelength, issue Sept 168 in 2007. The article to go with the cover shot was entitled ‘The Magnificent 7 ride’.  It was a piece about a boat trip to Indonesia with a selection of Britain’s...