by paul-wsh | Feb 26, 2012 | The Sixties
The very first official Isle of Wight Surf Club trip was to Newquay at Easter in 1967 Just after the club was formed. It seems like the Stone Age now. The thinking was it would be relatively warmer by then and it would be a chance to surf some proper waves. It was the...
by paul-wsh | Oct 8, 2010 | The Seventies
The Club Hut – part 3 by Keith Williams As mentioned in part 2 ‘The Surf Club is Formed’, the club was lucky enough to be able to rent one of the wooden ‘Bungalows’ at Compton from the National Trust for a very modest fee. In fact, I believe it was...
by paul-wsh | Oct 4, 2010 | Surfer Profiles, The Sixties
Part 2: The Surf Cub is formed. It was at about this time (1966) that Jake came to me at work one day with the news that he’d seen an advertisement in the County Press saying ‘Isle of Wight Surf Club now formed. Write to The Secretary, Albert St, Ventnor’ This looked...
by paul-wsh | Sep 30, 2010 | The Sixties
‘The start of surfing on the Island’ by Pat Morrell Hutch and I started body boarding at Compton in 1955. My parents rented one of the huts that were out there then. The boards were just flat plywood sheets – the “posh” people had boards with curved up noses but ours...