Freshwater Bay once again delivered some epic waves. The swell to hit the Island was a good as almost anywhere in the country. I got to Freshwater Bay before sunrise and there were already 4 surfers in the water. It was a really beautiful morning, as the moon slowly disapeared we were treated to absolutely gorgeous colours from the sunrise. As I walked around to the west corner of Freshwater Bay two American guys passed me and said if it wasn’t for the cold they would have thought they were in Hawaii. As the morning went on, all the top surfers on the Island turned up (with it being half term many are back from Uni). The waves grew and quite a crowd was starting to build around Freshwater Bay. All who were watching the surfers were treated to an excellent show from the boys and also some big wipeouts. Since posting a few pics on opne of my galleries online I have had comments from Islanders around the world wishing they were back here for the waves. We have definitely been treated to some excellent swells in the last couple of weeks.
For lots more images from this swell go to the ‘Flickr gallery‘.