Apologies to Al for the lateness of this article. April saw the first in the series of the British Longboard events held in very tricky conditions down at Marine Drive, Woolacombe. With howling onshore winds and rain the contest started with 2-3ft waves but as the wind got stronger the waves gor really messed up. On the Sunday the wind dropped a little cleaning the waves up a bit.
I spoke to Al after the event and he said ‘it was well windy but pretty fun. I won all my quater and semi heats but when it came to the final I just couldn’t find the waves, only got two in the whole heat and it wasn’t enough for a win this time. I’m gonna get into some training I think as that Matt Thomas is a gurt triathelete and I’m gonna need to be as fit as possible to beat him! Got some 8 point scores for the big roundhouse cutback in the photo sequence. that was in the earlier round though, could have done with it in the final.’
OPEN BLU 2012 Comp 1
1st Ben Skinner
2nd Ben Haworth *
3rd Adam Griffiths
4th Nick Dowrick
(Alex Maddocks 5th) *
U18’s Men
1st Ben Bates
2nd Connor Griffiths
3rd Alex Maddocks *
4th Arran Bright
Boys U16’s
1st Ben Bates
2nd Raife Gaskell
3rd Aaron Rowe
4th Arran Bright
Grand Master ( Over 90 :0)
1st Colin Bright
2nd Peter Englefield
3rd Duncan Norris
4th Shag Howell
Masters ( over the hill )
1st Matt Thomas
2nd Colin Bright
3rd Alan Reed
4th Adam Schell
1st Claire Smale
2nd D Stickly
3rd Gracie Davies
4th Emily Currie
Al would like to thank Wightlink for sponsoring him.